Monday, May 3, 2021

Some Hypocrisies Observed By ME in the Last Year

 "Woke" is just a manufactured propaganda slogan to make tv and internet junkies feel special. "Woke" people are simply followers of the Demorat political narrative..only thing they are woke to is that the Republican Party has more morality and respect for others - so Woke take advantage of others.

Mask wearing in or during a religious service is kind of like shitting on the floor. (Some may feel better as you do it, but you still are missing the point.)

Some teachers refuse to go back into teaching in the classroom but yet still are obese. You would think fat teachers would want the extra steps they take to work so they wouldn't be at such a high risk of death. Obesity is a top killer in America, not Covid.

During the lockdowns some idiots were so concerned about other people's children playing outside that they actually went out to take pictures of people outside. The people ratting on the community are the true threat to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

Some people aren't happy/comfortable with the governor's mandates. Yet, half those people never called or sent the Governor an email stating their disagreement. Those people are a major contributor in the government's overreach of power.

Every person I know that got covid after March 2020 (except one) was a die hard mask wearer and supporter.

The white people that protest in support of the BLM are the same white people with shore houses in white neighborhoods. They rarely spend anytime in diverse shore towns, like AC because they do not want to be around black people. 

The Demorat party loves to increase property taxes because it does not want minorities- especially black people to be able to buy a home in their communities. The Republican Party likes to lower property taxes to make it possible for ALL to own a home in all communities.

Some Demorat governors forced lockdowns to supposedly saves lives, yet kept abortions happening during the lockdowns. (They did not allow mammograms, Pap smears or other life saving procedures.)

Demorat politicians support Planned Parenthood. They put most abortion clinics in "black" neighborhoods., yet say they "ain't black", if they don't vote for them".

BLM marches to save black people, yet they don't help the black families that lose their children to gun violence at the hands of black perpetrators.

Public school boards say they are against school choice. It is because they want all the funding to go to their pockets, not to give students more opportunity for better educational opportunities. They also refused to work in the classroom all last year-proving they are as corrupt as their lessons.

Public school teachers complain their classrooms have too many students, yet they fight against school choice. School choice would allow students to go to various local schools, lessening the burden on public schools. 

The hypothetical covid bell curve ("flatten the curve")was supposedly a model about saving lives. Yet, not one bell curve of actual real life deaths was constructed of the thousands of lives (suicide, suicide attempts, drug overdoses, alcohol relapses, domestic abuse, etc) destroyed by their lockdowns. The actual bell curve on other deaths and physical harm caused by lockdowns will not be made public ANYWHERE.

ANTIFA says it is anti-fascist. However, it attacks anyone who has a different opinion. 

FB and Twitter have protections as social platforms. They are acting as publishers, not social platforms. 

Fact checkers are not factual. They are politically biased.

BLM founders bought homes in white neighborhoods. 

Certain black stars complain that American society is racist. They make millions of dollars from American society yet refuse to teach others how to do the same.

Supposed anti-racist groups make millions of dollars by pushing racism. The money they make seldom goes into the communities they are supposedly protecting. (They operate more like the mob-protection money.)

People that say they care so much for the illegal immigrants are the same ones that use them for cheaper labor.

Thousands of long time demorats moved out of their demorat states during the lockdowns to other Republican run states. 

Some people labelled President Trump a tyrant, yet Biden passed more executive orders in his first 100 days (killing thousands of American jobs).

Some people called President Trump "Orange man". Do they call biden "Dementia patient"?

Some news questioned President Trump's physical health when he stumbled. Those same news outlets said little to nothing about Biden's falls and continuous fumbling of words.

Demorats say there was no election fraud. Demorats refuse to have independent forensic audits of the election in demorat run states. 

Biden said he wanted to heal America yet built a cage with barbed wire around the Capitol. 

The same people that fear covid the most are the same people that eat out more than workout.

Critical race theory promotes minority suppression and victimization. If you tell a person they are a victim because the color of their skin, they will act as a victim in life. (If you teach someone they are judged by the color of their skin, they may never succeed to their full potential.) It is self-sabotage.

Certain cities pushed to let criminals out of incarceration during the lockdowns. The same government officials killed seniors by not allowing their family members and friends to check on them. 

Governor Wolf said you could not drink at a bar, yet kept the state stores open.

Big box stores were permitted to be open yet small stores with less foot traffic were deemed dangerous and forced to close.

Some people cared more about stockpiling toilet paper than their kids going to school or playing outside.

Amazon, Target and Walmart made never before profits during the lockdown while small businesses closed their doors forever at a higher rate than ever before. Amazon and Walmart are both Demorat lobbyists.

Biden got more votes then Hillary and Obama without campaigning. (I still think that is a lie and proof alone the election was fraudulent.)  Meanwhile Trump had packed arenas while campaigning during covid hysteria.